This blog post may contain spoilers. Read with caution.
Before all the Severance fans come for me: I know Helly doesn't have trichotillomania. I promise. I'm not diagnosing her or anything like that. But you have to admit that you saw it too! She pulled out an eyelash!
I'm not up to date on the show, we're only on Season 2 episode 2 but I felt like I had to write about this moment! To everyone else I'm sure it was easily forgotten but to me, someone who pulls out their eyelashes, it stuck.
I won't say too much in case you haven't watched it yet and intend to but, Helly is experiencing something extreme. EXTREME extreme. As I was watching I couldn't help but wonder if she would eventually develop a BFRB. The need to self-soothe was overwhelming me and I wasn't even in her shoes! I couldn't imagine being in her shoes.
As someone with trichotillomania there are things that Helly did in this scene that I have found myself doing too.
Pulling Absentmindedly/ A Trance-like State
You can tell by the look on Helly's face that she is deep in thought and in a different world. So much is going on that she becomes numb. This is how people feel when they're pulled into the trichotillomania trance.
The trichotillomania trance can pull us in for many reasons but it can be particularly strong during difficult and overwhelming times.
When I was going through hard times I'd find myself looking similarly to Helly—face completely blank and fingers finding eyelashes. Minutes felt like seconds but by the time I came out of the trance hours went by.
Looking at the Pulled Hair
Although it happens for a split second, Helly does a quick look at the eyelash she pulled out. Looking at the hair is a huge step in the trichotillomania ritual! You'll often hear people in my comments talk about "inspecting" the hair. That's exactly how I'd describe it too and have!
For people with trichotillomania, the root of the hair is fascinating. Whether it's eyelashes, eyebrows, or hair from the scalp, the root must be looked at! Many of us even take it a step farther and rub the root across our lips. Helly doesn't do that though.
Flicking the Pulled Hair Away
After the hair is inspected some people in the trichotillomania community simply discard it like Helly did here. A little flip of the wrist and it's like the whole thing never happened. The only thing that remains is the slight sensation on the eyelid and maybe a gap in the lash line.
Although Helly doesn't actually have trichotillomania, I still felt seen by her actions. I know that might seem weird but I mean it!
Okay, now it's time to sit back, relax and watch more Severance!
