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In what ways have you spread awareness? If you haven't yet, in what ways do you want to?

In this blog post I will be responding to a question from my guided journal, My Trichster Diaries. Please feel free to share your answer in the comments below.

Before you roll your eyes because you think I'm going to list all of the things I do to raise awareness for trichotillomania—please remember I did that in my last blog post! LOL!

I was NOT always open about my trichotillomania. In fact, I was hugely secretive about it. I absolutely did NOT want to talk about it. Ever. EVER. But times have changed and now I won't stop talking... Anywho. When it comes to this prompt, I've decided that I'm going to share some little ways you can spread awareness without being in front of the camera like I am.

Share with Friends or Family

You can still spread awareness without doing it publicly. Every time you share with someone, you are! Many people haven't heard of trichotillomania or BFRBs. Even if you only share with one person you are still making a positive difference in the world.

Watch Movies that include Trichotillomania and/or Other BFRBs

With someone! There are so many movies that include characters with trichotillomania/BFRBs that would be interesting to talk about. Have a conversation about the similarities and differences between your experience and the one shown. Need ideas? I have an entire section of my blog dedicated to BFRBs in the Media!

Repost on Social Media

Did you find a funny video or meme that accurately encompasses your experience? Share it to your story! People share content they relate to all the time. Who knows, maybe someone will message you and share that they relate to what you shared! It has happened!

Share Anonymously

I started @thetrichsterdiaries on Instagram completely anonymously in 2018. I shared memories about my trichotillomania without ever showing my face or mentioning my name. It was incredibly healing to finally share these memories that lived within me for so long.

You can also share your experience anonymously on other social media platforms, especially ones like Reddit or Tumblr.

Participate in BFRB Studies

Whenever I see an opportunity to share my experience to further trichotillomania research, I sign up as quickly as I can! It is a safe space where I can share openly without feeling judged. The people running the studies want to learn as much as they can from actual people with the disorder—everything you say is important! Also, no one ever needs to find out you participated, unless you want to share about it!

Donate to BFRB Foundations

By donating to BFRB foundations you are able to support their tireless efforts of spreading awareness and accumulating resources for the BFRB community. A little goes a long way! You don't need to break the bank to make a long lasting difference.

I raise money for BFRB foundations by selling bracelet bundles! Donations are made after every purchase!

It doesn't matter how big or how small you decide to go when it comes to spreading awareness of trichotillomania/BFRBs—either way you are making a positive difference! Thank you for all that you do!


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